Sunday, 19 July 2015

E-NEWS : American Rapper, The Game Signs Nigerian Art "Terry G to his Entertainment Record Company

The Game
Our Very own Terry G has linked up a deal with an  American Rapper who happens to own an entertainment company better known as Black Wall Street Records. The entertainment company is owned by The Game. 

Terry G

According to a reliable source,  The contract was facilitated by Suni Osorun, who happens to be a Nigerian and co-founder of the entertainment company based in the United States of America.

Suni Osorun showing off Terry G's Album 

The Black Wall Street Records was a record label founded by Jayceon “Game” Taylor and his half-brother George “Big Fase 100″ Taylor III.
I learnt that Terry G has earned himself a fortune in the new deal, which has seen him relocating to highbrow area, Lekki with a Ferrari car valued at $200K. 

Big Congrats Terry G! 

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