Monday, 13 April 2015

NEWS: Kanye West gets mobbed while performing a Free Surprise Concert in Armenia inside a lake + Water from the lake already now selling| PHOTOS

Things men do for love. Kanye put on a show for the Armenian faithful.
U.S rapper Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are over in Armenia at the moment touring Kim’s ancestral homeland. Kanye decided to do a free concert for the Armenian faithful in the capital city of Yerevan. So far he’s performed a nice mix of the old cuts and new, actually seems happy to be there!!
He got so excited he jumped into the lake and performed to the delight of Armenians.
See more photos and watch the video below…

Kanye west being mobbed by fans
UPDATE: Kanye jumped into a lake while performing Good Life and was immediately mobbed. Someone is already selling the water from the lake
                                    see photo below...

Source: logtv

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