Thursday, 16 April 2015

NEWS: Couples Alert " Meek mill and Nicki minaj engaed after 3 months of dating " (see ring for proof)

The romance rumors started back in February when Minaj shared a picture of Meek Milly kissing her on the cheek. Since the shocker/ what??? moment surfaced online the twosome has been spotted on several dinner dates together.
"I definitely will be married before I have my baby," she recently told Complex magazine. "I've always felt like that since I was young; my mother always put that in my head. She also told the publication that by the time she released her fifth album, she "will  have walked down the aisle" and will "at least be on baby number one, possibly baby number two."
Well You all don’t need to crack your brains anymore as Nicki Minaj has let the cat out of the bag, Nicki took to Instagram earlier to post a close-up photo of her diamond encrusted engagement ring as seen in the photo above.
The Rapper, Meek Mill also shared a photo on his IG page and captioned it “Almost“… which could mean “Almost married” right ?
Just so you know, Safaree(Nicki’s ex of 13 years) was the one who introduced Meek to Nicki and they were all friends.
See Meek Mill’s photo below:

But wait, there was more!
A Twitter follower reached out to Mill where the user wrote "@MeekMill you so f--king lucky n---a"  The rapper's response was a short but sweet, "I am."

For now, we await the official engagement news + marrige dates from Omeeka!!!

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