Monday, 27 January 2014

NEWS: BEST NEW ARTIST MACKLEMORE Sends Kendrick Lamar an IG txt "You Should Have Won The Grammy For Rap Album Of The Year"

Best New Artist, Best Rap Performance, Best Album and Best Rap song winner , Macklemore uploaded the above photo on instagram, a picture
of a text that he sent to Kendrick Lamar saying that he
really felt that he robbed Kendrick of the Grammy for
best rap album and that Kendrick deserved it for GKMC• Good Kid Mad City•

See what he wrote below...

"You got robbed. I wanted
you to win. You should have," Macklemore wrote in a text
message that he sent to Lamar and then took a screen
shot of and posted to his Instagram account."It's weird
and sucks that I robbed you. I was gonna say that during
the speech. Then the music started playing during my
speech, and I froze," he continued. "Anyway, you know
what it is. Congrats on this year and your music.
Appreciate you as an artist and as a friend. Much
love."Macklemore went into more depth when he
captioned the photo. "My text to Kendrick after the show.
He deserved best rap album.

Most of the hip hop community felt the same and it's
just more solidification that the Grammys don't know rap
and they never will, cos if you ask me Kendrick was HIP- Hop in 2014


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