Monday, 6 January 2014

NEWS: Beat Fm's Oap *Gbemi Olateru Olagbegi* Blasts Ladies asking Men to Buy things for them via twitter [see tweets]

A few hours ago, Award winning On Air Personality @GbemiOO "Gbemi Olateru Olagbegi" of The Beat 99.9fm took to her account to Blast both Male and females saying that No one should say to another – I paid for dinner and
bought you an LV bag in exchange for SEX at the end of the day.
Some say she's being too american and some agrees with her.

She said and I quote ""This notion that if a guy spends money on you,
you owe him sex is sick. That's why I say it all the time –
Never demand for material things from anyone- No one
owes you anything. Work hard. Get yours." #Gbam I agree... LOL!

"No one should say to another – I paid for dinner and
bought you an LV bag. Oya come and sleep over at my
house and pay back in kind. Ladies- Stop asking men to
buy you things. Men- Stop buying things for ladies in the
hopes that she will sleep with you."

After sending out a couple of 140-characters messages which I believe is not enough cos I felt she wants to rant about this issue,
the responses started coming in. Many of her followers
replied her, saying she was being too American by
sharing the tweets.
According to them, "Relationships work in Nigeria when
there is money- money for hand, back for ground."

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