Sunday, 17 November 2013

NEWS: TDE attacks GQ story on Kendrick Lamar, GQ defends story

The CEO of rapper Kendrik Lamar's, Top Dawg
Entertainment is not happy with GQ's recent Man of The
Year cover story on Kendrick Lamar.
Los Angeles - Anthony "Top Dawg" Tiffith has issued a
statement on the matter:
"This week, Kendrick Lamar was named one of GQ's
2013 Men Of The Year, an honor that should have been
celebrated as a milestone in his career and for the
company," TDE CEO Anthony "Top Dawg" Tiffith said in
a written statement issued to MTV News on Friday.
"Instead, the story, written by Steve Marsh, put myself
and my company in a negative light."
Tiffith went on to charge that Marsh's story was focused
on what most people would consider "drama or BS." He
also said Marsh completely disrespected Kendrick by
saying "He was surprised at our discipline."
"Instead of putting emphasis on the good that TDE has
done for west coast music, and for hip hop as a whole,
he spoke on what most people would consider whats
wrong with hip-hop music," Tiffith added.
"Furthermore, Kendrick deserved to be accurately
documented," Tiffith's statement read. "The racial
overtones, immediately reminded everyone of a time in
hip-hop that was destroyed by violence, resulting in the
loss of two of our biggest stars. We would expect more
from a publication with the stature and reputation that
GQ has."
Tiffith did more than write a statement about the article.
He was so mad, he pulled Kendrick from his
performance at GQ's annual "Man of the Year" party in
Los Angeles on Tuesday, November 12, Complex
"While we think it's a tremendous honor to be named as
one of the Men Of The Year, these lazy comparisons and
offensive suggestions are something we won't tolerate.
Our reputation, work ethic, and product is something that
we guard with our lives," Tiffith wrote according to MTV
GQ's editor-in-chief, Jim Nelson, has responded to
Tiffith's statement.
"Kendrick Lamar is one of the most talented new
musicians to arrive on the scene in years," Nelson says
in a statement posted on "That's the reason we
chose to celebrate him, wrote an incredibly positive
article declaring him the next King of Rap, and gave him
our highest honor: putting him on the cover of our Men of
the Year issue. I'm not sure how you can spin that into a
bad thing, and I encourage anyone interested to read the
story and see for themselves."
Nelson also said that the decision to pull Kendrick from
his performance at GQ's "Man of the Year" party
"mystified" and "disappointed" GQ, HipHopDX reports.
In spite of everything, however, Nelson said in his
statement that he's "still a huge fan" of Kendrick Lamar.
In addition to Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Will Ferrell,
Matthew McConaughey, Will Ferrell, and James
Gandolfini have their own individual Men of The Year
covers, which will hit newsstands November 19, the Huff
Post reports.

Sourced From Digital Journal:


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