Thursday, 10 October 2013

NEWS: 'How Flavour & Emeka Morgan Abandoned MC Loph's Mum' -Bianka Johnson

For all of us that don't know her, Peace Bianka Johnson
aka African Duchess is a top Nigerian movie producer
based in the US.
And here's a piece she wrote describing how Flavour &
Emeka Morgan abandoned late MC Loph's mother, who
is now also dead.
My name is Bianka Johnson, I reside in the United
States of America. I am from Nigeria, a healthcare
practitioner, actors-manager and a goodwill citizen.
Flavour Nabania didn't make a tribute song "Iwe", he
made a mockery of his friend, the late McLoph.
Below is my story.
Tragedy brought us together.... That's how I came to
know Mrs. Nwaozor, affectionately known to me as
Back in November 2011, someone posted a tribute
video, "Iwe", by Flavor, on Facebook. On that day I
distinctly remember viewing the video on YouTube
and sobbing for over an hour after watching this video
that paid homage to two siblings who so suddenly
lost their lives. I was simply paralyzed thinking about
the magnitude of grief one particular mother would
have to endure.
You see, Mama was the mother who lost those two
adult children on the same day, specifically, a son,
the erstwhile entertainer, MC Loph, and a daughter,
All I could think to myself is that life as we know it is
so unfair. My spirit was disturbed and something, I
don't know what it was, moved within me and I set out
to find this woman. It became my
obligation, to find her, to hug her and give her some
semblance of hope and maybe a little peace, if she
would allow me to.
So, I began to search for Mama. The first thing I did
was to call Flavor's promoter, Igwe, who I knew was
based in Houston, Texas. I asked to speak with
Flavor and he informed me that Flavor had gone to
the mall, but he would make sure Flavor would call
me immediately he got back. At the time, Flavor was
in the United States promoting the album he had
recently released.
The next day Igwe called me and put Flavor on the
phone. I briefly introduced myself and went straight to
thank him for showing love through his tribute song to
a dear friend who had lost his life. Shortly after that, I
expressed to him how his video moved me to tears
and how I felt compelled to find Loph's mother. Flavor
thanked me as well and gave me a telephone number
to MC Loph's close friend in Lagos who went by the
name Obi Mgbakor.
There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Flavor
was in contact with Mama on a weekly, or at least, a
monthly basis seeing as the late MC Loph and Flavor
were childhood friends that grew up together. Without
hesitation, I immediately called Obi Mgbakor in Lagos
and introduced myself to him and requested Mama's
contact information. Obi Mgbakor was guarded at first
and was reluctant to give me Mama's number. He
asked for my Facebook name so he could check out
my profile.
Without giving it a second thought, I provided it to him
and his countenance changed after he was able to
verify who I was and he even requested my
friendship on Facebook. Obi Mgbakor gave me
Mama's information and I contacted her the next day
and introduced myself.
Mama and I spent almost an hour on the phone the
first time we spoke and she narrated so much to me.
Mama was heartbroken and she said that she was
actually shocked Flavor was the one that made it
possible for us to start communicating.
Mama went further to express her disappointment
over Flavor's nonchalant attitude since the death of
her son, MC Loph and her daughter Chinwe. "Flavor
has not picked up the phone to call me since Obiajulu
passed away, yet he made a hit tribute song on his
behalf. May God be the judge," Mama said.
Now, it must be noted that MC Loph died in a ghastly
motor accident on September 14, 2011, while
traveling on the Benin/Ore expressway to visit Mama
with his pregnant fiancé Nkiru, who survived the
ordeal. The phone conversation I had with Mama was
in November 2011, two months after MC Loph's
death and she said Flavor hadn't called?
Immediately I got off the phone with Mama I called
Obi Mgbakor to verify what she told me. The whole
thing was strange to me and I couldn't reconcile the
feelings and emotions Flavor expressed in his tribute
video with the nonchalant attitude he had towards his
best friend's mother. Obi Mgbakor indeed confirmed
that Flavor refused to call or visit mama after
McLoph's death.
Right now, I want to set the record straight.
Since the death of Mama's son, MC Loph, Flavor
Nabania never called nor visited Mama and he never
sent a dime to her for her upkeep.
Flavor hasn't made any effort to reach out to Nkiru or
MC Loph's infant son. Mama died from congestive
heart failure exacerbated by heartbreak.
But for the deaths of her two adult childrenat the
same time, which took an enormous toll on her
health, it is my belief that Mama would have lived
Since her death, I have read so many untrue stories
including a statement made by MC Loph's former
manager, Emeka Morgan. Once again, let me set the
record straight: Mr. Morgan was never responsible for
Mama's upkeep. He claimed that his record label was
sending Mama thirty thousand naira a month. Mama
never received thirty thousand Naira monthly from the
record label and Mr Morgan never adopted MC
Loph's son nor was he responsible for the infant's
welfare as speculated by some brainless human
Mr. Morgan abandoned Mama as soon as the media
attention surrounding her son's death died off. Mr.
Morgan till date has yet to call Nkiru, MC Loph's
fiancé, to say congratulations on the birth of Loph's
It is my honest belief that God brought me close to
Mama after her son's death for reasons beyond my
comprehension. I took care of Mama until she died to
the best of my ability. Today, I am blessed to have an
extra angel watching over me.
She lost two children at the same time who can never
be replaced but before she died, Mama gained a
grandson, a beautiful daughter in-law in Nkiru, and a
daughter in me.
Mama is gone, reunited with her children and I know
she is at peace now. Mama will be buried on
November 12, 2013. May her very gentle soul rest in

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