Thursday, 17 October 2013

NEWS: Davido O stole the Skelewu Dance From me - Dammy Krane [VIDEO]

It has been surfaced Online that DavidO has
once again tapped from his industry colleague. Without
coming out to say so venally, Dammy Krane release a
video skit dancing to his new single "Sabi Dance" In this
video we clearly see him showing his famous face moves
which we would all agree to that it is were DavidO stole
his so called Skelewu from.
Kindly watch the video and judge. If you too "Sabi
Dance" record your video and watch yourself get poked
to be in Dammy Krane's "Sabi Dance" official video.
watch the video and judge;


Follow me on twitter: @Dj_roszay

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