Friday, 20 September 2013

Sheyman @sheymanmusic ft Davido @iam_davidO - Paper Remix (VIDEO) #SheymanPaperRemix

The long wait is over as we officially
present to you Paper Remix video by
Sheyman featuring Davido.
In the last few weeks after its
release, Paper Remix has generated
lots of air plays and eventually
became DJs favourite. Currently in
Nigeria, it has become one of the top
favourite songs that makes clubbing
a delight.
Paper Remix is no doubt a smash hit
and the video which is of high quality
will further endear the song more to
good music lovers.
Sheyman is signed on to Phatbase
Entertainment and managed by klick
Promotions. You can follow
Sheyman on twitter
@sheymanmusic and Klick
Promotions @klickpromotions


To make Paper Remix as your caller
tune, text 023198 to 4100, MTN
subscribers only. Sms cost N50

You can join the discussion on
twitter- #SheymanPaperRemix." @sheymanmusic

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