Monday, 23 September 2013

Proud Father Peter Okoye Wishes Son Happy 5th Birthday

Happy 5th birthday, Cameron.

Looking back, here's what Peter had said about his son
in an interview with PMEntertainment way back in 2008
when Cameron was born. How Cameron's birth had
changed him.
How excited are you about that?
I'm very excited. I'm so happy because that is one of the
best gifts I have got this year (2008).
Why did you christen the baby Cameron?
Actually, Cameron is a name I have always loved from
my childhood and when I presented the idea to the
mother, she loved it as well.
What impact has the arrival of Cameron had
on your life?
First of all, it has proved to me that in all circumstances,
think of God first.
I was not the first person that has impregnated a woman
before; most people must have done that and aborted it
and at the end of the day, they will still feel that they've
not done anything wrong. We that decided to keep ours
should not be seen as bad influence by the public.
It has taught me how to respect life and people. No
condition is permanent; it has also reminded me of the
fact that our parents really did well for us, even if they
were financially handicapped.
It has also taught me to be calm. I learnt to handle some
situations and to be real. When the news broke that Lola
was pregnant, a lot of people were expecting me to deny

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