Monday, 30 September 2013

PHOTOS/ VIDEO: How Jim Iyke was Delivered of Demonic Spirits At TB. Joshua[scoan]

This just came in now, someone tweeted the
photos to me now saying it is ongoing. Jim was
delivered of demonic spirits hindering him from
finding love & marriage..and it is real. Still haven't
come to terms with this…Details soon!
Update: Jim Iyke was worshiping at the synagogue
church of Pastor at TB Joshua streaming live on the
church's Emmanuel TV. Jim fell under the
ministrations and started crying and was called up.
As he went through the deliverance, a spirit spoke
through him and said, it was the cause of his
setback and disappointment and that he was the
biggest, it was only God's grace that had kept him.
It had kept him from finding love and getting
married. After his deliverance and coming back to his
sense, the first thing Jim asked the ushers was 'Where
are my shoes seen? Why did you take off my shoes?'.
Muhammad! Funny man.
Between! I thought he and Nadia where the next
Angelina Jolie/ Brad Pitt?


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