Sunday, 8 September 2013


"It is good to love many things, for therein lies the
true strength, and whosoever loves much
performs much, and can accomplish much, and
what is done in love is well done."
― Vincent van Gogh

Music remains the most potent way to the human soul. Good music! Bad music! Ugly music! It matters not because only the hearer can determine what type of music it is. Making music has become a short cut to at least fame maybe not fortune, almost every young person wants to tread. Once in a blue moon, a young person rises with enormous potential it is only a matter of time before he/she becomes a household tune maker....

Which is why I have decided to use this platform to not Only Updates people but to also celebrate youths like me that are buzzing Underground, Youths who are obviously trying to make an impact in the Society and doing what they Love passionately...
Fashion designing, Graphics Designing, DJ,Producer,Photographer e.t.c anything that can Inspire young people out there,

Kicking off with Mr,

Dotun Adeyemo, stage name Dtsax, ( @dtsax ) is a young saxophonist. Music started for him at an early age growing up as a choir boy with his father as the choir master. He started with the piano at the age of 7.
His love for music got a huge leap when he had the opportunity of holding a saxophone and blowing air into it. The rest is history.
He was a member of the musical band in his secondary school, supreme education foundation magodo...
He has performed and played in different musical concerts and church programs and also plays the saxophone in his local church. He heads a music band of other young promising young people...
Watch out for this young, talented and promising sax master!!!!!!

Dear Esteemed Readers, I Present to You An aspiring Philantropist, a Saxophonist, A Goal setter and A Goal Getter::::
DOTUN ADEYEMO aka DtSax *round of applause pls" LOL!

This is what I'll like to refer to as a Movement, if you think U do have what it takes to Ginger someone out there.

Holla! At Me today with Your write Ups and I'll put it Out there for the World to Read and GET INSPIRED!!!!

Email me::: [email protected]

BB pin::: 21D0760B

Follow me on Twitter : @Dj_Roszay

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