Wednesday, 25 September 2013

EVENT: M.I And Governor Fashola On First-Ever Google Hangout

Lagos state governor Babatunde Raji Fashola and
rapper Jude M.I Abaga are hosting a live event called
'Hangout with BRF and M.I on Google plus'.
In a bid to kick off his duties as the new Lagos state
energy ambassador, M.I will moderate the show with
BRF as host. Together, they will enlighten Lagosians on
means of saving funds while conserving energy.
The online event will launch the energy conservation
month of October with a theme 'The Energy
Conservation Month'. It requires an active google
account for participation and will commence at 6pm on
Friday, September 27, 2013.
Earlier this month, the Chocolate City artiste also known as African Rapper Number One was
appointed Lagos state ambassador for Energy. He is
also the UN ambassador for the Smuggling of migrants
and a Glo ambassador.
This is One HangOut you don't want to miss.

FF @Dj_roszay On twitter For Online Hypes and Promo Or Add bB pin: 21D0760B

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