Thursday, 22 August 2013

NEWS: It’s Coming! Blackberry Releases User Guides For BBM For Android and iOS

The long-awaited arrival of Blackberry Messenger
seems to be finally here, as Blackberry accidentally
released the user guides for BBM for iOS and
Techcrunch reports that for previous BBM users from
BlackBerry, most of these details are familiar. The
apps are designed to allow for real-time
communication between contacts and groups, the
guides explain, letting users share pictures and
messages, including broadcast messages, multi-
person chats, and group chats. Users will also be
able to create BBM Groups, where they can plan
events, track to-do's, share photos, and chat with up
to 30 people at a time, without the need to add
everyone as BBM contacts.
BBM will work over both cellular and Wi-Fi, the latter
option which is meant to help avoid data charges
when traveling.
Each user can establish their own BBM profile, where
they can choose a display picture, name, and status
that their contacts will see, and they'll also have a
unique BBM PIN which they can access by tapping
"Show Barcode."
This is a major move for the struggling company, as
BBM has for a long time been one of Blackberry, and
the BB10′s, strongest features. At launch, Heins had
said that only messaging and group features will be
available, but promised that the rest of BBM will
eventually make its way to the Android and iOS
versions including screen sharing, BBM voice, and
the newer BBM channels.

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