Saturday, 31 August 2013

NEWS: Ice Prince Set To Perform Alongside ( MMG crew )Meek Mill, Rick Ross & Machine Gun Kelly In Philly

Aboki Crooner! Ice Prince Zamani and his crew are set to hit the stage
up at the Dream Chasers Sports and Entertainment
summit which will be held today and is put together by
MMG act, Meek Mill.
The summit
'@Iceprincezamani gonna hit da stage at
#DCSUMMIT!!! its #levels #learnlife'. That's what Philly based
rapper, Meek Mill boldly announced via his twitter
handle a few days ago.
The summit is intended to 'bring together some of the
biggest names in both sports and entertainment to
discuss everything from chasing dreams successfully
to what it takes to make it in the industry as an athlete,
musician, entrepreneur and business executive' will
features performances from Rick Ross, Sean 'The
Pen' Garrett, Master P, and a host of others.

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