Friday, 23 August 2013

MUSIC: DJ Xclusice ( @Djxclusive ) - PANGOLO ft Timaya ( @Timayatimaya )

Super Star Dj aka Dj Of the gods, aka This is football anything can Happen - Rotimi "DJ Xclusive" Alakija (born on the 16th of
October), better known as DJ Xclusive is a British
Nigerian DJ, producer and artist.
Early life
Alakija was born in the UK to nigerian parents. At an
early age, he left the UK to Nigeria for his high school
education at King's College, Lagos after which he went
back to the United Kingdom to complete his education
in the Brunel University UK where he bagged a degree
in financial computing.
DJ Exclusive is not new to the Game, for those who don't know him, he's Wizkid Official DJ, Coolfm 96.9 Official Dj, he has won several awards to proove he's indeed a super star Dj "In the 2010 edition of the Nigerian Entertainment
Awards held in the United States, DJ Xclusive was
voted the "World Best DJ 2010" while in 2011, DJ
Xclusive was nominated for "Best DJ" at the 2011
edition of the Black Entertainment Film Fashion
Television Awards (BEFFTA Awards).

His New Single ( PANGOLO) jst dropped and it Featured TIMAYA, so enjoy and DOWNLOAD via the LINK BELOW

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